
Image result for absinthe green fairy

drips down.
Tastes like honey.


  1. I really liked the structure and imagery you've presented here. Moving from poison to honey emphasised the softening, the dripping. Without the title though, this poem has a very broad scope. I didn't read the title initially and I was torn between reading this literally ( someone was being poisoned -- homicide or suicide) and metaphorically (someone's cruel words were coated in honey). It'd be cool to tweak this a little to see if you can convey the alcoholism without the title.

  2. I liked this. I was going to say the same as Asha, without the title the poem might not have had the same meaning. I have struggled with this too, the 6 word format is way harder than it looks.

  3. I loved this piece. You’ve described alcoholism beautifully in a few words. I especially like the contrast between poison and honey.

  4. Good piece and done well. I liked how you brought honey to indicate alcoholism dripping like poison.


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