Empty Shelves

Image result for torn up book

It was strange
to see you lying there
spine broke and
insides split asunder.
Your pallor
spilled upon my bedsheets
and I,
unable to fix you,
gathered you to my chest
and wept for the long hours
we spent curled in resplendent rapture,
wrapped warmly in delirium dreams.

You were so good to me
in your sweet silence
holding my mind in your hands
while it tried to escape its own darkness
never protesting the damp spots
my tears left on your surface
as my sorrow mingled with your words
and created whole new worlds.

You have left a hole in my home,
in my heart,
in my head
that can never be filled
without first stopping by the bookstore
to fill the void
you have left
on my overfull shelves.

Author's Note: Sorry, not sorry :D


  1. Hey, you did it! Great job with the form. I really love the sensuality of this, and especially the treatment of a book (a *particular* book, at that) as a sensual thing.


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